Would It Be Wise To Buy a Vintage (1980) Class C For a First Time RV?
by Stew
Would It Be Wise To Buy a Vintage (1980) Class C As My First RV?
Hello all,
I am a single dad with my son full time. I was trying to think of something to get us out and about a bit and have been tossing around the idea of getting an RV. Not sure if we would love the RV lifestyle or not though, so I don't want to lay out big bucks on a new motorhome.
I don't have a truck, so it would have to be self propelled. So, I guess my question is, would an old class C in fairly (I think?) good condition be a good place to wet our feet? Or would it just turn into a cavernous money pit and sour us totally on RV'ing? My only other experience with RV's was an old tent trailer that pulled poorly and let lots of bugs in... :) Thank your for you insights all!
ANSWER Greetings Stew thanks for submitting your question on our Ask An RV Question Page.
There is no correct answer to your question. Yes, a 29 year old RV could end up being a money pit. A lot depends on how much it is being sold for and how well the RV has been maintained over the years. There are still a lot of RVs from the 70s and 80s on the road. A lot of them are in excellent shape and look and run as good as new, because they have been well maintained. Others on the other hand look their age and are primarily held together with bailing wire and duct tape.
One of the things that you are going to have to do is educate yourself on what to look for when buying a used RV. The first thing I would do is learn what is required to perform a used RV Inspection. Please visit our
Used RV Inspection Page it outlines what you need to look at when
inspecting an RV.
There are some books from Amazon.com that I highly recommend that any person should read before purchasing a used RV. All of these books are very highly rated by people that have purchased them. They are
The Insiders Guide to Buying an RV
By Mark J. Polk,
How to Select, Inspect, and Buy an Rv: A Complete Guide
by J.D. Gallant and
RV Buyer's Survival Guide Edition III
By Bob Randall and Mark J. Polk.
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Since you have limited RVing experience with the exception of having a tent trailer and you are not really sure if the RVing lifestyle will work for you and your son. You might want to try renting an RV for your first RVing trip. Renting an RV allows you to try out the RVing lifestyle before actually jumping in and buying an RV. Please visit our
Renting An RV Page to learn what you need to know prior to renting an RV.
I have no doubt that you and your son will fall in love with RVing just like our family has, but please take your time and search for the right RV for you and your son's lifestyle. The one you are looking at now may be the right one for you and your son, but take the time to ensure that it is in good shape. Learn as much as you can about what to look for when buying a used RV, by doing this it will prevent you from having buyer's remorse.
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RVing Al
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