by Terry Gardner
(Peyton, CO)
I have a 2004 Four Winds travel trailer. Everything was working fine for the first two years I had it but all of the sudden nothing will run off the battery. Everything works fine when it's plugged into household current or when it's plugged into the tow vehicle. The battery is just two months old and I returned it to the place I bought it and they tested it and said it was fine.
The connections are clean. When I hooked up my 12V battery charger directly to the wires the battery connects to everything worked fine. This first happened last week and I replaced the two 30 amp fuses even though they tested fine. Nothing worked after I initially replaced them but low and behold I came out an hour later to look into things further and everything was working again!
Then a couple of days later it's not working again. I've retested all the fuses (they were all good) and replaced the two 30 amp fuses for good measure. No luck. I'm baffled. Please help.
TG in Colorado.
ANSWER: Greetings Terry thanks for submitting your question on our Ask An RV Question Page.
Here are a couple of things that I would like you check first.
1. Look in your Travel Trailer and see if you have a switch marked "Battery Disconnect". If you do it may have been inadvertently turned off by someone. For