Why Is My RV's Voltage Converter Making A Funny Noise?
by Jim
(Bangor, Maine)
I have a 1988 Rockwood Frontier Class C Motor home which started making a noise when plugged into house voltage power and at campsites. The sound is audible at just inside the door where the power cable is stored, there is a metal box (I believe it is a converter of some kind) that makes first a small click noise and then a metal ping sound about every 20-30 seconds.
This sound only happens when plugged into house current. Is this a safety hazard or just an annoying noise normal for a RV of this age?
Thanks so much for your help.
RVing in Bangor, Maine
ANSWER: Greetings Jim thanks for submitting your question on our Ask An RV Question Page.
The noises you describe hearing from your RV's Converter/Charger
when plugged into electricity are normal. If you listen closely you will also hear a humming sound which is also normal. The clicking and pinging sounds you are hearing are relays opening and closing or cooling fans kicking on and off.
If your class C also has a generator, you will also hear the same sounds when the generator is running; it is usually less noticeable because the sound of the generator drowns it out.
Some newer RVs are equipped with Converter/Chargers that do not make these noises. All you hear on the newer ones are the fans.
Hope this helps.
Happy RVing
RVing Al