Why Are My RV's House Batteries Making A Popping Noise When My RV Is Plugged Into Electric?
by Mark
I have a noise in my batteries that sounds like a popping. My battery light comes on an off. I'm not running RV just plugged in.
ANSWER: Greetings Mark thanks for submitting your question on our Ask An RV Question Page.
The popping noise aside the fact that your RV's Battery Light is going on and off is indicating that you have a possible problem with the RV's House Batteries or the battery charging system.
The first thing I suggest you do is to unplug the RV from electric and check the electrolyte level in your House Batteries. Low electrolytes can cause a popping or sizzling sound in a battery. If the electrolytes are low top them off using Distilled Water (must be distilled water).
While you are in the battery compartment check, clean and tighten all battery connections. A loose battery connection can arc and cause a popping noise. The sparks caused by a loose battery cable can also ignite the hydrogen being released when your batteries are being charged; this can cause a battery to explode.
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If the electrolytes were full and there were no loose cables then you need to take your RV in and have the batteries tested as well as having the charging system tested by a Certified RV Technician as there is a good chance that your house batteries have gone south or that your charging
system is over-charging the batteries.
If you are uncomfortable doing any of the steps that I have outlined then just take it in and have it checked out as this problem will not resolve itself.
Hope this helps.
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