Who Manufactured My Leisure-Craft Class C Motorhome?
by Phil Burnside
(Kenton, Ohio)
1986 Leisure-Craft Class C Motorhome
I just bought a 1986 Leisure-Craft Class C on a Ford chassis. What can you tell me about where it was made and when the company folded?
Any ideas on where I can get manuals on it?
ANSWER: Hi Phil, First let me congratulate you on your new RV.
Your Leisure-Craft Motorhome was manufactured by Travelcraft by Craft Products which was located in Elkhart Indiana. The original Travelcraft went out of business in 1990 but re-emerged as Travelcraft by Craft Products, Inc. which then also went out of business in 1994. So basically you have an Orphan RV.
I will tell you up front that getting an Owner's manual for an Orphan RV whose manufacturer went out of business so many years ago will be darn near impossible.
If you want to give it a shot, here are a couple of places you can look for an Owner's Manual for your motorhome. You can try to Search eBay. Just type in; "RV owner’s manual" (without the quotation marks) in the search box. I have seen quite a few RV Owner's Manuals listed there. The other resource you should try is the RV Manual Exchange Page, you can post a listing there and see if anybody has the manual you are looking for.

If you cannot locate an Owner's Manual a good alternative is to get a hold of a copy of
Woodall's RV Owner's Handbook by Gary Bunzer (aka The RV Doctor) (pictured above). This book includes do-it-yourself maintenance and repair tips on how to take care of your RV and avoid breakdowns on the road. It covers Winterizing, Appliances, Batteries, Plumbing, Electrical and Exterior care.
I hope that this information helps.
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Happy RVing
RVing Al