Where's Eldo? On the Road RVing Full Time!
by Jeannie
(Currently Florida)
Where's Eldo? On the Road RVing Full Time! Why Do You Love RVing?
This story was submitted on our Why Do You Love RVing Page
We started "camping" on the weekends while we were both still working. We bought a 38 foot Damon Challenger and made weekend trips regularly. We both decided that we wanted to go out farther and farther from home and that we wanted to full time, we loved it so much.
We both retired from our jobs, and one of us sold our house, the other house, a mobile home, is being rented. In the two years that we have been full-timing, we upgraded to a 40' Tiffin, diesel pusher because it has the power needed to go over mountains and much more space.
We've been to both coasts, climbed mountains, kayaked rivers, run a zip line, ridden a bobsled, hiked the Grand Canyon, canoed rivers, and seen the most magnificent vistas within the continental United States.
I'm a retired teacher, my fiance is a retired factory worker. You don't have to have a lot of money to travel on the road, even with diesel fuel prices. We average $20.00 a night lodging for full hookups (water, sewer, and electric) and many nights are below 15.00 a night with camping memberships like a Thousand Trails or
Good Sam's
and the senior park pass which is the greatest thing going!
I wouldn't trade my lifestyle for anything! We see our family members who are all over the country more now, not less! This country is amazing and the best way to see it is through RVing.
I thought I'd be lonely on the road, with just my fiance and me, but we've met the most wonderful people, the friendliest people! People who RV treasured friendships made on the road, and they work hard to stay in touch even after you've each gone your separate ways. We know that our paths will cross again someday.
We write a blog so we will never forget our travels and all the fun, mundane, or crazy things that have happened to us.
http://www.whereseldo.blogspot.comTell Us Why You Love RVing
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