Where Can We Get a Good Extended Warranty Plan For Our RV
by R and B
(Missouri )
It's not whether to buy an extended warranty or not but the big question is which one is most reliable and reasonably priced? We have a 2008 Holiday Rambler 40' Motorhome and our factory warranty is about to run out.
We are looking for a company that will be easy to deal with, prompt, and truly do what it advertises. It would also be nice to feel like you are not being taken to the cleaners. Who is the best in your book?
Good Sam Extended Service Plan is mechanical breakdown insurance for your RV, 5th Wheel, Trailer, and Tow Vehicle! FREE Quote
Thank you,
ANSWER: Hi R & B the first thing you need to be aware of is that extended warranties do not cover all the items that a new RV warranty does. So when you are shopping around for an extended warranty you need to review all of the information on what is and what is not covered by the extended RV Warranty.
My own personal recommendation for an RV Extended Warranty is the Good Sam Club's Extended Service Plan. The Good Sam's ESP plan is reasonably priced and provided by the Good Sam Club, who has been helping RVers for years. To get more information on what is covered click on this link
Good Sam's Extended Service Plan. Better Than A RV Warranty. FREE QUOTE
To understand why I recommend the Good Sam plan you should read the answer I gave to
What Is The Best RV Extended Warranty Plan?I hope that this information has been helpful to you?
Over 1,500,000 successful roadside rescues—Good Sam RV Emergency Road Service
Happy RVing
RVing Al
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