Where Can I Rent A Pickup Truck Setup To Pull A 5th Wheel Trailer?
by Tanara
I just bought a travel trailer I need to move. I do not have a 5th wheel truck. Where could I rent a 5th wheel truck to move it?
ANSWER: Greetings Tanara thanks for submitting your question on our Ask An RV Question Page.
I have good news and bad news for you. The good news is there are a few truck rental agencies scattered around the country that will rent you pickup trucks setup to haul a 5th Wheel Trailer. For example there is a company called Diesel Pick-up Rental in Denver Colorado that does this.
Now for the bad news, I am not aware of any truck rental agencies in Sacramento that rent trucks setup to tow a 5th wheel trailer. This does not mean that there are not any, it just means I am not aware of any.
You are going to have to do a little research in your local area to see if any of the rental agencies in Sacramento do it. I would also suggest that you contact a couple of RV Dealerships in your area that sell 5th Wheel Trailers and see if they know of a place.
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Hopefully one of our visitors that live in your area may be able to leave a comment and let you know of a rental agency near you that can rent you a truck for hauling a 5th wheel trailer.
Sorry I could not be of more help to you.
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