Where Can I Get an RV Roof Ladder Extension?
by Joe
Pictured Above Top Line AL1110 Universal RV Assist Ladder
I have a 2000 Holiday Rambler Endeavor and I am looking for the extension ladder that goes with the roof access ladder. I have tried every known resource and keep coming up empty handed. Any leads would be greatly appreciated.
ANSWER: Hi Joe thanks for submitting your question on our Ask An RV Question Page
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Believe it or not these RV Ladder Extensions are readily available, but they are known in the RV world as RV Assist Ladders and RV Starter Ladders.
A company called Top Line makes several RV Assist Ladders
like the one pictured at the top of this page. A company named Stromberg Carlson also makes a Universal Starter Ladder
for RVs.
The Top Line RV Assist Ladders require that you choose a ladder based on whether your RV's existing ladder has round, square or elliptical steps.
Most of these ladders have to be removed after use and stored in one of your RV's storage compartments.
I am not aware of any RV Assist Ladders that are specifically designed for your Holiday Rambler Endeavor, but you can call the Holiday Rambler Technical Support, Parts and Warranty Assistance Department at (877) 466-6226 (Toll-free) to find out for sure.
Just and FYI both Top Line, Stromberg Carlson and a few other companies also make
RV Bunk Bed Ladders
if you have any younger children or adults who need a little help in getting into an RV's Bunk Beds.
I do not personally use an RV Assist Ladder on my Motorhome, but after researching the answer to your question I am seriously considering purchasing one myself. I take a lot of trips to the top of my motorhome to clean and inspect the roof and it seems the older I get the more these trips up the ladder become more like a Flying Wallenda Circus act just to get to the first rung of the roof ladder. :-)
I hope that this information has been helpful.
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RVing Al
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