Where can I get an owner's manual for a 1976 Midas mini motorhome?
by Kathy
(North Branch, MI)
A few days ago we bought a 1976 Midas Mini motor home and it has no manual with it, we are wondering where we can find one as we'd like to know how all the things work (ie, fridge, AC and other things). As well is if there is supposed to be a generator or not.
I'd like to be able to just download a free manual if possible. Anything else that you think would be helpful regarding this motor home would be great. We bought it so we can attend our daughters wedding this July and want to make sure its road ready asap. Thanks in advance for your help.
ANSWER: Greetings Kathy thanks for submitting your question on our
Ask An RV Question Page.The first place to start when looking for an Owner's Manual for any RV is to contact the company that manufactured your RV. In your case this is not possible as your RV's manufacturer is no longer in business.
If the RV Manufacturer does not have the owner's manual or is no longer in business as in your case then I suggest you visit the
RVing - The Midwest Connection website and you can post your owner's manual request on their
Owner's Manual Exchange Page.
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You might also want to look at the
Owner's Manuals Available On eBay
If there are no owner's manuals available for your RV I would recommend that get a copy of
Woodall's RV Owner's Handbook
. This excellent book written by Gary Bunzer (The RV Doctor) has a lot of good information on the systems in RVs. It is probably the next best thing to having the actual owner's manual for your RV.
I hope that this has been helpful to you.
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