Where Can I Get A Vehicle History Report For My RV?
by sheila
Where You Can Get A Vehicle History Report For An RV
Where and how can I find out who has previously owned the 5th wheel I have just purchased.
ANSWER Hi Sheila, since you have a 5th wheel trailer, it will not be as easy to get the information you are requesting. If you have a motorhome you can use services such as rvchecks.com to get a Vehicle History Report. But even rvchecks.com does not provide the names of the previous owners, they only provide the number of previous owners, plus a lot of other useful information such as Title Problems, Accident and Service History, etc.

Unfortunately, you cannot use
rvchecks.com for looking up the histories on Travel Trailers, 5th Wheels, Tent Trailers or Campers. In fact, I could not find a service that looks up the histories for non-motorized RVs.
For the information on the previous owner of your 5th wheel, I would suggest that you either contact the DMV or the insurance company that insures your 5th wheel trailer to see if they can provide you the information. Don't be surprised however if they refuse to provide you the name and address information on the previous owners. Due to all the privacy laws in the US, they may be prohibited from providing this information to you.
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Happy RVing
RVing Al