Where Can I Get A 12 Volt Digital TV For My Conversion Van?
by Bob Gawron
(Honesdale, PA . USA)
Naxa 19" 12 Volt Widescreen LCD TV with DVD Player and Remote
Where can I get a Digital TV for my conversion van?
ANSWER Greetings Bob thanks for submitting your question on our Ask An RV Question Page.
I am going to assume that you want a 12 Volt DC Digital TV for your Conversion Van. Amazon.com has a good selection of 12 Volt Digital TVs
. They also have a good selection of 12 Volt DVD Players
. I am sure that one of these 12 volt TVs and 12 volt DVD Players will fit your needs.
I also have another suggestion for you. You might want to look into buying a
12 Volt Inverter
for your van. An inverter takes the 12 Volt DC current from your Van's battery and turns it into 120 Volt AC power. Depending on the power inverter you buy; installing it can be as simple as plugging it into the cigarette lighter. Let's say you are going to be running an LCD TV and a DVD player. LCD TVs depending on screen size use 75 to 270 watts of power; a DVD player uses around 35 Watts of power. So a 400 Watt Inverter would be perfect for your needs. Again Amazon.com has an excellent selection of highly rated and well priced
400 Watt Inverters
Using an inverter also gives you the flexibility of plugging other items in such as laptop computers, an Xbox Game System or a Blender to make Margaritas :-) An inverter will also give you a larger selection of
DVD Players
to choose from.
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You will notice that I only recommend using an LCD TV in an RV or Van. Read the answer to this question to find out why I only recommend LCDs. Should I Put A Plasma or LCD TV In My RV?
I hope that this information has been helpful to you. If any of our visitors have further suggestions for you they can add them by clicking on the add a comment link located near the bottom of this page.
Happy RVing
RVing Al