Where Can I Find A Replacement Window Screen For My RV?
by Marilyn
(Asheville, NC)
We bought a used Prowler Lynx and the screen for the emergency exit window in the bedroom is missing. I have searched the web and cannot find a replacement for it. Any suggestions?
ANSWER: Greetings Marilyn thanks for submitting your question on our Ask An RV Question Page.
The first thing I would do is contact one of your local RV Dealers and find out where they get the replacement screens for the RVs on their lot from. I will forewarn you that if you do find a screen, it may cost a lot more than you expect.
A more economical way of replacing the screen would be to build one yourself. All you have to do is buy a Window Screen Frame Kit
and screening material and you can make your own replacement screen.
Now if you are not comfortable doing this yourself you can always enlist a handy friend or neighbor to help you. This will save you a bunch of time searching for the exact window screen and hopefully a little bit of money.
It will also give you some bragging rights when you show your RV off to somebody. All you have to do is point to the window and say "You See That Window Screen? I Built It". :-)
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I hope this helps.
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