Where Can I Buy Replacement Cabinets And Cabinet Doors For My RV?
by Donna
I have a lot of wall holes and broken cabinet doors in my fifth wheel due to vandalism - where can I buy replacement material for walls and cabinet doors?
ANSWER: Greetings Donna thanks for submitting your question on our Ask An RV Question Page.
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I am sorry to hear that you have had your 5th Wheel Trailer vandalized.
When it comes to cabinets in an RV, depending on the manufacturer of your RV, a lot of the cabinets and doors were custom made in-house by the manufacturer, and you may not be able to just buy a cabinet door off of the shelf.
One thing you can do is look at the
RV Cabinets and Doors available on eBay. You may be lucky enough to find what you need there.
If you cannot find the doors or cabinets, your best bet is to hire a carpenter or have a good friend build some doors and do the repairs for you. The materials to repair and build doors and cabinets are readily available at Home Improvement Stores such as Home Depot and Lowes.
I hope this helps.