What Type Of GPS Units Work Best In A Motorhome?
by Martin
(Placerville, Calif.)
What type of GPS works in a C-Class motor home?
ANSWER: Greetings Martin thanks for submitting your question on our Ask An RV Question Page.
I have got good news for you Martin, basically any GPS unit that is designed for use in an automobile will work in a Motorhome. So you have a lot of GPS units to choose from.
The next question is where to buy them? You will find the best prices and best selection of Vehicle GPS units on Amazon.com.
They have close to 800 different Vehicle GPS Units available at great prices.
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Amazon also has a good selection of Handheld GPS Units
as well as GPS Computer Software
that will transform your Laptop Computer into a Portable GPS Navigation System.
There is a lot of information that you should know about GPS Receivers before you actually buy one, unfortunately I do not have the space on this page to go into much detail. If you want to learn more about the Wonderful Of GPS you might want to read the highly rated book GPS For Dummies
. This book will help you compare GPS technologies, units, and uses. You’ll find out how to create and use digital maps and learn about waypoints, tracks, coordinate systems, and other key points about using GPS technology.
If you decide to also get a handheld GPS unit you may want to join in on the fast-growing detective sport that’s fun for all ages called Geocaching. In Geocaching you use your Handheld GPS unit, maps and a compass to find containers of goodies hidden around the world by other Geocachers. You can also hide a cache of your own. Geocaching allows you to see new places and get some exercise as well.
To learn more about Geocaching you might want to read
Geocaching For Dummies
I hope that this information has been helpful to you.
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Happy RVing
RVing Al