by Tim
(Perry, Ks)
I have a 1984 Fleetwood Wilderness 28w travel trailer with a roof A/C. What kind of freon is used in this old system?
ANSWER: Greetings Tim thanks for submitting your question on our Ask An RV Question Page.
Based on the age of your travel trailer the roof Air Conditioner was originally filled with R-12 Freon just like what was used in car air conditioners of that time. The bad news is that R-12 Freon is no longer manufactured due to environmental concerns. R-12 Freon is now scarce and expensive to purchase; it is sometimes sold for $20 to $30 per can. In order to purchase R-12 Freon you need to be EPA certified unless you can prove that you are buying it for resale.
The good news is that there are now more environmentally friendly refrigerants available that are 100% compatible with R-12 Freon. Freeze-12 Refrigerant is an R-12 Freon replacement.
Freeze-12 Refrigerant is available by the can or also comes in kits such as the Freeze-12 Refrigerant Quick Charge Kit
and the Freeze-12 Full Repair Kit.
Hopefully the above information has been helpful to you.
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Happy RVing
RVing Al