What Is The Best RV Extended Warranty Plan?
by anonymous
I am buying a new travel trailer and would like to buy a five year extended warranty plan but the dealership one is way to high knowing they mark it up twice as much but wondering if anyone know's of a good company to buy one through?
ANSWER First let me congratulate you on your new Travel Trailer, I hope you have many years of enjoyment camping with it. When you say new, I am going to assume you mean brand new. If that is the case you do not need to purchase an extended warranty right away, as long as your trailer is covered by the RV Manufacturer’s new RV warranty. Extended warranties are designed to cover RVs that are no longer covered by the Manufacturer’s Warranty. Having an extended warranty on a new RV is pointless. When you are getting close to the Manufacturer’s Warranty expiring is the time to start shopping for an Extended RV Warranty.
The only time that you would want to cover a new RV with an extended warranty is if the RV you are buying is an orphan RV. An orphan RV is a brand new RV manufactured by a company that has gone out of business, so there is no new RV warranty provided. Please take a look at the answers to these questions to get more information on whether your RV would be considered an orphan.
Is The RV Dealer Responsible For Warranty When The Manufacturer Goes Bankrupt? and
What RV Manufacturers Are Out Of Business?Even if your new RV is an orphan, other items in your RV such as the TVs, Stove, Microwave, Fridge, Air Conditioners, etc. will be covered by the manufacturer's warranty for those products.
In other words if you had a Sharp Microwave and it broke, it would be covered by Sharp under their new appliance warranty. The house portion of your trailer would not be covered, such as cabinets, roof, walls, etc.
You also need to be aware that extended warranties do not cover all the items that a new RV warranty does. So when you are shopping around for an extended warranty you need to review all of the information on what is and what is not covered by the extended RV Warranty.
My own personal recommendation for an RV Extended Warranty is the
Good Sam Extended Service Plan
. The
Good Sam Extended Service Plan
is reasonably priced and provided by the Good Sam Club, who has been helping RVers for years.
Important Update: Due to all of the comments I have received on this topic. Including several comments with misleading information on RV Extended Service Plans. I have decided to list the reasons why I recommend the Good Sam Extended Service Plan.
* Covers parts and labor
* Charges deductible per occurrence (versus per item)
* Transferable (without fees)
Duration of coverage controlled by the customer* Customized Plans with Deductible Options
* Freedom to Choose RV Repair Center
* Regulated by insurance industry
* Travel Expenses Covered
* Backed by the Good Sam Club the world's largest RV owner's community
Over 1,500,000 successful roadside rescues—Good Sam RV Emergency Road Service
I hope that I have been able to answer your questions and I wish you the best of luck with your new RV. If any of our visitors would like to add their comments they can do so by clicking the add comments link near the bottom of this page.
Happy RVing
RVing Al