What Can We Do To Stop The Linoleum Floor In Our RV From Cracking?
by Gerald
How do you prevent the Linoleum on the trailer floor from cracking - we have had our Linoleum replaced once already and it has cracked again the second year. The camper is only 2 years old. Is there a better floor out there that can be installed? need help
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ANSWER Hi Gerald First let me assure you that you are not alone in the problem you are having with the flooring in your RV. A lot of RVers are having the same problem that you are. In extreme temperature changes Vinyl and to some degree Linoleum flooring will contract and expand. Your cracking floor problem is probably temperature related. If you live in an area that has very cold winters then your floor cracked due to the cold.
The first thing you need to determine is if your flooring is true Linoleum. Your flooring may indeed be Vinyl flooring. Some people believe that Linoleum and Vinyl flooring are the same. They are not; Vinyl flooring is more susceptible to temperature extremes and has a tendency to get brittle and crack when exposed to extreme cold temperatures. True Linoleum does not expand and contract as much as Vinyl flooring and does not become as brittle when exposed to extreme cold.
How the vinyl or Linoleum flooring is installed in a trailer or motorhome also makes a difference. Some RV manufacturers just glued the edges of the flooring and allowed the middle of the floor to float on the floor of the RV. This practice is believed by some to cause the cracking problem with the floor. The RV's that had their Linoleum or Vinyl floors glued down completely did not experience as many of the cracking problems.
Another problem is
that the Linoleum and Vinyl flooring in most RVs is not specifically designed for RV use. This flooring is designed for home use. The temperature in most homes stays somewhere between 65 and 75 degrees on average. There are also different qualities of Linoleum and Vinyl flooring. The term "you get what you pay for" holds true when it comes to the quality of the flooring. Even when you buy a new motorhome or travel trailer, you may have the option to pay extra for a better quality flooring product.
Now to your second question as to what kind of flooring you can install in an RV. The simple answer would be any kind of flooring you can install in a home can be theoretically installed in an RV if you disregard weight and wear issues. My best answer is if you do not want carpet, Linoleum or Vinyl Flooring then
laminate flooring
is your best bet.
laminate flooring
is durable, lightweight, wears well and is successfully used in a lot of motorhomes and trailers. Another great advantage of
laminate flooring
is the patterns that are available. It can really enhance the interior of your RV.
If you are a good do-it-yourselfer you can install the laminate flooring in your RV.
ModMyRV.com has a great tutorial on
How to install a laminate floor in your RV.Hopefully this information has been helpful to you. If any of our visitors have suggestions for you they can add them by clicking on the add a comment link located near the bottom of this page.
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