What Brand Tire Is The Best For My Travel Trailer?
by Steve
(Waterford, Michigan)
What Brand Tire Is The Best For My Travel Trailer?
Looking the replace the Duro Tires
on our travel trailer. They are cracking on the side walls and we want to replace them with a quality trailer tire. Any suggestion would be most helpful.
ANSWER: Greetings Steve thanks for submitting your question on our Ask An RV Question Page.
There are many brands of tires available for RVers to choose from. Since I own a Motorhome and have not done any extensive testing on tires for Travel Trailers, I am unable to give you a personal recommendation on what I think would be the best brand tire for your needs.
I am going to open up this question to our visitors. Who better to give tire recommendations to you then other RVers that have Travel Trailers?
So if you have a recommendation for Steve on what brand tires are the best leave a comment on this page and tell us why you recommend these tires.
Over 1,500,000 successful roadside rescues—Good Sam RV Emergency Road Service
UPDATE: Since I originally posted this question, we have received a lot of comments. Most of the comments are not tire recommendations they are basically complaints from other RVers about their RV tires (who knew?). Take a look at the comments near the bottom of this page.
I am sure that Steve has found replacement tires by now :) But do feel free to leave your comments on this page so that other RVers that read this page in the future can get your tire recommendations or complaints.
Happy RVing
RVing Al