What Air Pressure Should I Run In My RV's Tires?
by Art
(Las Vegas, NV)
How to Determine the Proper Tire Pressure for Your RV
Purchased a used 2004 Four Winds 5000, 22' on Ford E 350 Chassis. Manufacturer's tag on the driver door recommends 65# front and 60# rear PSI air for the associated tires. These seem awful low for the weight. Are these numbers right, especially for the rear tires?
ANSWER: Hi Art figuring out the proper inflation for your RV's Tires
is going to take a little work on your part. Even though your RV Manufacturer has tire inflation recommendations, they may not be correct. You need to look at the sidewall of the tire to see the recommended tire pressure. You should also visit the tire manufacturers website to determine the proper inflation based on the weight the tire will be carrying and the only way you can do that is by weighing your RV.
You can weigh your RV at some truck stops, some RV Shows, Sand and Gravel Yards, etc. When you weigh the RV it should be fully loaded including food, clothing, full fresh water tank, passengers, towed vehicle, etc. Once you have determined the heaviest end of each axle you need to inflate all the tires on that axle to the recommended PSI.
Important Note: You should only inflate your RV's tires when they are cold to get the proper tire pressure. If you try to inflate the tires after they have been driven you will end up under inflating them, because the air in the tires expands when tires have been driven on.
The best way of determining the proper PSI is by visiting the website of the RV tire manufacturer. Major RV Tire manufacturers such as
have load and inflation tables online. Just look up the model of the tire you have and the weight it is carrying and the proper inflation PSI will be listed.
Even though your RV Manufacturer has some recommended tire pressures listed, those pressures are based on the tires that came with the RV and they may not be correct if you have gone to a different brand tire, etc.
For more information please read the answer I gave to the question below.
Should We Weigh Our RV To Determine Proper Tire Inflation?Do you have any suggestions or comments on this topic? You can add them to this page by clicking on the "Click Here To Post Comments" link located near the bottom of this page.
Happy RVing
RVing Al
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