We're Hooked on RVing
by Jill
(Stuart, Fla, USA)
We're Hooked on RVing
The Dinette in Our RV
This story was submitted on our Why Do You Love RVing PageSo, we're on our first trip for over three months now. Honestly, we looked at each other, non-verbally and smiled knowing we're both in awe that
RVing was so easy. Not handy, owned only two
tools at the inception of the journey (now more!!!) and still managed to accrue 4,000 miles on our 36ft. Boxy Lady.
Steve and I researched the
RVing lifestyle for 14 months before retirement made the dream come to fruition. Every weekend we trekked in the VW Beetle, to parts other than our hometown, searching for the RV Grail. Multi-state investigations led us right back to Florida where our Safari Cheetah, 2003, beckoned us to buy her. She'd been neglected...needed love, a new
prom dress, her hair done, and she'd be the beautiful lady she was meant to be.
Left South Florida on July 6, 2010. We'll get home on Nov.6th... hesitate to call our stix house HOME, because we truly feel THIS is home.
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When you vacation, you're anxious to 'get home.' But this is NOT a vacation...it's a lifestyle and this IS our home. All our belongings that we need are in the confines of 36 ft. We want for nothing...well, except for my
electric mixer which is the ONLY item I forgot. (Like to
Learning along the way. Three months out and yesterday learned you can heat the shower water electrically, not only with propane. Sheesh...
Funny, Steve sometimes has to take Boxy Lady to the 'doctor.' She's going again tomorrow for a door hinge repair. The feeling when he pulls out of the campsite and leaves me and our canine kid sitting there is something words can't communicate. You feel homeless. Abandoned. Lost.
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Can't say enough about RVing. Fun. Challenging. NEVER boring. Easier than expected. Not as costly as expected.
If you're reading this, you're probably over 50. Time is finite. Play. Be adventuresome. Find the kid in you and do it. We did...with NO regrets.
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