The Vinyl Graphics on My RV are Peeling Off
by Patty
(Branson West, MO)
Replacing and protecting the Vnyl Graphics on an RV
The decal letters on our Spirit of America travel trailer are lifting around the edges. What to do?
ANSWER: Hi Patty, the bad news is that once these vinyl graphics start peeling off of an RV there is not much you can do to repair them. The good news is that you can get a new Spirit of America Decal on eBay for less than $20.00. In fact eBay has a great selection of Vinyl RV Graphics at fairly reasonable prices.
Even more good news is that if eBay does not have the exact graphics you need you can do a Google search and look for companies in your area that can print out vinyl graphics. In some cases, all you have to do is send the company a picture of the graphics along with the dimensions and they can print them out for you. Or if they are in your area you can actually take your RV down to them so they can look at the graphics. This process will probably cost a little more money than buying the ready-made graphics off of eBay.
Now back to the bad news, removing the old graphics can be a difficult process. You may want to read my answer to: How to Remove Decals and Graphics on an RV.
Installing the new graphics is fairly straight forward. The most important thing to remember is that the surface of the area that you are installing the new graphics on needs to be thoroughly cleaned prior to install. Take a look at the video below to see how to install the new
graphics. Even though this is not an RV the process is the same.
Now that you that you have the new Vinyl Graphics on your RV you need to protect them from getting damaged again. One important thing that all RV Owner's need to be aware of is that the decals on their RVs should be cleaned and protected from the elements. The best way of protecting the graphics and the RV finish is to use an
RV Cover
whenever the RV is not in use. Most RVers do not cover their RV's between camping trips. One thing you should do whether you cover your RV or not is to regularly use a protectant on the RV's Decals.

303 Aerospace ProtectantThe protectant that I highly recommend is
303 Aerospace Protectant (Pictured Above). 303 Aerospace protectant prevents damage to vinyl graphics from UV rays and petroleum products, which keeps them from cracking, peeling and fading. This product is highly rated by RVers that have used it. It has received a 5 star rating from consumers on
Unfortunately you have already seen what heat, sun and harsh weather can do to the vinyl graphics on your RV, so you might want to start treating your remaining graphics so they do not suffer the same fate as the graphics that you are going to replace.
Hopefully the above information has been helpful to you.
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Happy RVing
RVing Al