The Signal Booster on My RV's Antenna is Not Working
by Anonymous
The Signal Booster on My RV's Antenna is Not Working
Antenna booster fuse in a 2004 Windsport Motorhome where is it?
ANSWER: I am going to assume that based on your question that the antenna amplifier for your antenna no longer works. I am also going to assume that you have a Winegard Sensar Antenna System
on your Motorhome.
The amplifier (Signal Booster) is actually built into the antenna itself. The switch you turn on in the RV is a power supply that provides the power to the amplifier in the antenna through the COAX cable that is attached to the antenna. There are no replaceable fuses between the power supply and the antenna.
If you turn on the power supply switch and the LED on the switch lights up it means that the power supply is working properly and should be providing power to the antenna's amplifier. In that case the only possible problem that would prevent power from reaching the antenna would be a loose Coax Cable connection on the antenna or on the power supply. The COAX cable could also be bad.
If the LED on the power supply is lit and all connections are good and the cable is good it means that the amplifier on the antenna has gone bad and you will have to replace the
Antenna Head
If the LED on the power supply does not light up you should first check your RV's electrical compartment for any blown 12 volt fuses. If all of the fuses are good then you should check for any loose wiring connections on the back of the power supply. If all connections on the power supply are good then you need to replace the
RV Antenna Power Supply
Hope this helps.
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