The RV Dealership I Bought My RV From Is Closing, Are They Still Responsible For My RV's Warranty?
by Veronica Grant
(DeRidder, LA)
If a dealership is closing down in Louisiana and I bought my RV there, are they responsible for the Warranty work for a certain period of time?
ANSWER: Greetings Veronica thanks for submitting your question on our Ask An RV Question Page.
You did not state if the RV you bought was new or used. Please take a look at the answers below.
New RV: In the case of a new RV, the manufacturer of your RV is responsible for the new RV warranty. In this case you would contact the RV Manufacturer and get the location of an RV Service Center in your area that is authorized to perform warranty service on your RV. If the RV Manufacturer is out of business then you no longer have a warranty on your RV.
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Used RV: If you bought a used RV from that dealership and they gave you a used RV warranty from their dealership; then you could be in trouble. If the RV Dealership is going out of business or filing for bankruptcy you may not have a warranty. In this case I would suggest that you contact an attorney and see what legal recourse you may have.
If You Bought An Extended Warranty From The Dealership: In most cases when you buy an extended warranty from the dealership, the extended warranty
is usually administered by an outside company and not the RV Dealership, so hopefully you should be fine there.
The one option you do have if you no longer have a warranty on your RV is purchasing a Continued Service Plan (Extended Warranty) for your RV.
What you need to know is that Extended Service Plans do not cover all the items that a new RV warranty does. So when you are shopping around for an Extended Service Plan you need review all of the information on what is and what is not covered by the plan.
My own personal recommendation for an RV Extended Service Plan is the Good Sam Club's Continued Service Plan. The Good Sam's CSP plan is reasonably priced and provided by the Good Sam Club, which has been helping RVers for years. To get more information on what is covered click on this link
I hope that this information has been helpful to you.
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Happy RVing
RVing Al
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