State Park Camp Hosts Have Some Good Advice For RVers
by Mike
(Bakersfield, Ca. USA)
This story was submitted on our
RVing Tips And Tricks Page.
My wife and I recently retired and volunteered to be Camp Hosts at a State Park. We met some wonderful people from all over the world who stayed with us last summer. While most of the campers who stayed with us were responsible, there were an abnormally large percentage of campers who simply abused the park.
This park was established over 50 years ago and by the Rangers account, this year was the heaviest use in the park's history. With state budgets being cut at an alarming rate, sadly the budgets for parks have been hit very hard. The Rangers at our park were just great and we were lucky to have their service.
The Maintenance Staff we worked with were the most responsible and caring people I have ever worked with, they sincerely care about the State Park and its visitors. Our job was to assist the maintenance staff by cleaning sites after campers leave. My wife and I were responsible for cleaning over 130 sites.
When campers refuse to pick up after themselves and leave their garbage in the fire pits rather than walk across the street to use the trash cans it made our job almost impossible.
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We will be back next year to give our 6 months to the Park System, and I hope people who use our parks take the time to be responsible campers and think of the people that are coming in to use their site next. It is just the responsible thing to do.
Unless park users want the cost of using our State Park Campgrounds to continue to rise, Please Pitch in and Clean up after yourselves. It is the responsible thing to do.
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