Some Electrical Outlets Are Not Working In My Motorhome
by Dee
(Clarksville, IN)
GFCI Outlet
1999 Four Winds Hurricane Class A. Drivers and Passenger Side electrical outlets stopped working. All lights are OK. Changed fuses in the bedside fuse box. Still nothing.
Bedroom outlets and lights work. TV, Microwave, etc. all working. Basically 4 outlets not working. I am a neophyte at RVing, so I'm not sure what is connected to what. Any insights?
ANSWER: Hi Dee thanks for submitting your question on our
Ask An RV Question Page.What you are experiencing will not normally be caused by a blown fuse as the fuses are for your RV's 12 volt DC Electrical System which powers your RV's interior lights, the furnace blower motor, fresh
water pump
, etc.
Here are a couple things to look at in your RV that might get your power back on.
Pictured at the top of this page is a
GFCI Outlet
(Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter Outlet). This special protective Electric outlet looks a lot like a normal electrical outlet except it has two buttons on it and it acts like a circuit breaker when it detects a ground fault and shuts off the power.
GFCI outlets are more sensitive than a normal circuit breaker. Once the GFCI Outlet trips any other normal outlets connected to it will also lose power.
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Look at the outlets that are not working and see if any of them look similar to the one pictured above. If you find one press the reset button and check the outlets again.
If the GFCI trips again after
you reset it; it could mean that the GFCI is bad or that you have electrical issues in that electrical circuit and you need to have a Certified RV Technician diagnose and repair the problem.
If you do not have a GFCI outlet in your motorhome or if resetting it does not solve the problem then you need to see if there is a tripped circuit breaker in your RV's Electrical Compartment. I cannot tell you the exact location of your RV's electrical compartment. It could be in the interior of the RV in a cabinet or in a storage compartment on the outside of the RV.
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Once you find the electrical compartment check all the circuit breakers to see if one is tripped, if it is reset it and check the outlets again. If it trips immediately after you reset it then just like the GFCI outlet you need to have a Certified RV Technician diagnose and repair the problem.
One of the two steps I outlined above should get the power back on. If not you will have to have a professional step in and resolve it.
Hope this helps.
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