Should I run my RVs water pump when the motorhome is hooked up to city water?
by Dan
Should one run the water pump when hooked up to city water?????
ANSWER: Greetings Dan thanks for submitting your question on our Ask An RV Question Page.
No, you should not run the RV's fresh water pump when hooked up to city water. The city water system should provide sufficient water pressure for your RV's fresh water system. The pump is designed only to pump water out of your RV's fresh water holding tank when you are not hooked up to city water.
There are three basic items you need to make sure that your RV's fresh water will work properly and safely when hooked up to a city water system.
1. A
Water Pressure Regulator
. Water pressures vary by campgrounds and RV resorts. If the city water pressure that you are using is too high it can damage the water lines in your RV. A water pressure regulator reduces the water pressure to around 45 pounds which is ideal for an RV.
2. A
Heavy Duty Drinking Water Hose
. These hoses unlike your normal garden hose are designed for drinking water. They do not give water a rubber taste. These water hoses should never be used to flush out your holding tanks, washing your RV, etc.
3. A
RV Water Filter
. Water filters provide protection against foul tastes, odors, sediment, etc. These filters should also be used when you are filling up your RV's fresh water holding tanks.
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I hope the above information has been helpful to you.
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RVing Al