Should I Buy a Used RV That Has a Delamination Issue?
by Brian
(Lakehurst, NJ)
I am looking at buying a 1999 30 ft coachman 305MB. I noticed some delamination on the passenger side pf the RV by the overhead bunk area, the window area by the door and in the back. The unit is in good condition otherwise.
I am paying around $18,000 and for this price, a lot of the models I have seen have some delamination going on. Should I stay away from this unit? Again, I only can afford so much so this seems to be a issue in the price range that I am looking. It would be a shame to pass on this unit. It is the best one I have seen so far.
ANSWER: Hi Brian, the most common cause of delamination on RVs is due to water leaking into the walls of the RV. As long as there is moisture getting into those walls the delamination will continue and eventually the structural integrity of the RV can become compromised.
Before you can even attempt to get the delamination repaired, you need to get the leak issues repaired.
Depending on the severity of the delamination getting it properly repaired can be an expensive proposition. Delamination repair is not something that I would recommend a do-it-yourselfer RVer to attempt.
In my opinion I would suggest that you steer clear of this motorhome. I believe that you can find an RV in your price range that does not have this costly problem.
I would also suggest that you visit the
Used RV Inspection Section of our website, where you will find some guidelines on what to inspect on a used RV before you decide to buy it.
I hope this helps.
Over 1,500,000 successful roadside rescues—Good Sam RV Emergency Road Service
Happy RVing
RVing Al
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