RV Size Matters Depending on Where You Want to Camp

by Phil
(Gainesville, FL)

RV Size Matters Depending on Where You Want to Camp

RV Size Matters Depending on Where You Want to Camp

Looking into buying a class A motorhome. I prefer a 30 footer. They are hard to find. I am concerned that many of the state/National parks cannot handle anything bigger. Is this a legitimate concern?

ANSWER: Hi Phil, your concerns regarding some State and National Parks are well-founded. For example, our current motorhome is 38 feet long, and there are some state parks that we used to go to when we had a smaller RV that we can no longer go to. For some State and National Parks, RV length is not a factor.

Up until recent cutbacks, some State and National Parks throughout the country were being upgraded to accommodate larger RVs. The cutbacks changed all of that, quite a few of the improvement projects were stopped, and there are still quite a few state parks around the country that are still closed due to state budget cuts.

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In our case, we are pleased with the additional living space that our 38-foot motorhome provides us, and we have to realize that there are some places that we cannot stay because of our choice. With a few exceptions, it really has not affected our Camping and RVing Lifestyle dramatically.

We have traveled all over the US in our 38 footer and have not experienced any problems in finding a place to stay. The best advice I can give you if you get a larger motorhome is doing a little research in advance on the places you plan to stay to ensure that they can accommodate your motorhome.

So what size RV should you get? If you want to stay in many State and National Parks, RVing experts such as Chuck Woodbury in the video below recommend getting an RV that is less than 30 ft. in length.

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The bottom line is that in our case the trade off to have more living space is worth the minor inconvenience of not being able to stay at a few parks. You will have to decide if the trade-off is worth it in your particular case.

I hope that this information has been helpful to you.

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