RV Screen Door Doesn't Close Tightly
by Anonymous
We have a Jayco Eagle travel trailer. The door is wide and has the typical sliding plastic section around the door handle. When closing the door, it will close, but you really have to pull on it to get it to latch tightly and if you bump it at all, it will pop open again. This worries me because we have a chocolate lab that travels with us, and while he is very friendly, I don't want him to get outside when I don't know it.
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Is there anything out there that will secure a screen door better, but still allow us to keep the main door open. We like to let the air in through the screen door, but we need to have a way to make sure it stays tightly shut.
Any suggestions?
ANSWER: You might want to install a
RV Screen Door Closure Kit
. This kit helps to keep the screen door shut. It features dual spring action that pulls the door closed with evenly distributed tension and helps keep the door closed. This kit Installs easily on standard, radius corner or fold-down tent camper door.
You also might want to look at the other
screen door latches available
and you might find one that does a better job of securing your RV's screen door.
I hope this helps.
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RVing Al
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