Avoid These Six Amateur RV Mistakes

Mistakes are bound to happen on your first RV vacation

Avoid These Six Amateur RVer Mistakes

By Ellie Coverdale

Going on your first RV trip is exciting! Pack the vehicle, load the kids, and you are off! However, mistakes are bound to happen on your first vacation as a rookie. You want to avoid making big mistakes as they can be costly and dangerous. It is essential to be proactive and diligent with your planning.

Here are six amateur RV mistakes to avoid.

Forgetting to pack enough food (or packing way too much)

You're going to be hungry after setting up your campsite. It will be a disappointing moment when you open up the fridge, and you only have a couple of snacks to eat for your seven-day stay. It is bothersome to take your RV to the nearest grocery store, especially if you are in the boonies.

It is also vital to not overpack. If your trip is seven days long, you do not need to pack for a month. It will cause a storage problem, a more massive bill, and possibly wasted items when you get home.

To avoid these mistakes, make meal plans and a grocery list. Plan out your meals, so you know what items to buy.

Forgetting to make a reservation for the campground

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Campground Full

Odds are you have a long drive ahead of you. It will be devastating to pull up to your end goal campsite only to find out that they are full. You now need to hop back into the driver's seat and drive around your huge RV in search of a free campsite. Worse, another campsite may be miles away! Also, it is much harder to find a spot as an RV compared to a tent.

You can easily avoid this problem. Make sure you reserve your campsite early. If you are going to a very popular spot, you may need to make reservation weeks ahead. So be proactive and get on the computer!

Insufficient planning of the route you are taking


A vacation is a getaway from real life. Having an open road and no plan can be intoxicating to some. However, when you are driving a giant gas-eating vehicle with kids in the back, you need to know where you are going. You do not want to get lost.

It is important to map out your route. Since you are camping, you may lose your cellphone signal, as well. I recommend getting a downloadable online map or a real map.

Ignoring camping etiquette

You do not want to be the rookie camper that embarrasses themselves in front of other campers. Just because you are in nature doesn't mean you can act like an animal.  Follow these universal camping rules:

·         Understand the camp or RV park rules

·          Keep your music quiet

·       Respect other RVers' campsites by not walking through them

·         Your kids can have fun, but they need to be self-aware

·         Drive slowly in the park

·         Turn your engine off. Do not idle longer then you must

·        Leash your pet and pick up their waste after them

Not knowing what to do at the dump station

The Sani-station is one of the dirtier jobs when RVing. You want to see what you are doing when you are there, especially if there is a line. Learn by practicing or watching videos online on how to do it. You do not want to spend more time then you have to at the dump station.

Not doing an efficient walk-around of your RV

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RV Breakdown

Its time to head home. One thing you need to remember is to walk-around your vehicle when its time to go. Since this was a living area for a few days, things may have fallen under the RV.

Check your lights, antenna, tow vehicle connections, vents, and windows. Your doors should be shut and locked, and everything inside should be secure. This is critical to do before your long drive home.

Its time to hit the open road in your RV. This is an exciting time, and you will have lasting memories from this trip. Make sure you follow this guide and do not make these six amateur mistakes.

About The Author

A writer for Academized.com and UKWritings.com, Ellie Coverdale, specializes in lifestyle and travels. She is well experienced in both and loves sharing her insights with her audience. Ellie's favourite topic is how to approach your personal and professional life to ensure many adventurous opportunities. In her extra time, she writes articles and teaches on BoomEssays.com.

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