What RV Manufacturer Should I Choose?

"Do some research before buying your RV"

What RV Manufacturer Should I Choose?

By Alan Wiener
Editor: Everything About RVing

I Want To Buy An RV But, I Don't Know What RV Manufacturer I Should Choose? 

The simple answer to that question would be the manufacturer that makes the model RV that you like and that fits your particular lifestyle.  However, I would be remiss in leaving it at that.

During the last several years the RV industry has had its ups and downs. Currently it is on an upward swing in popularity.  Unfortunately during the downward trend several years ago quite a few manufacturers went out of business. This left some new RV owners without warranties on their new units.

There were several factors that contributed to the demise of these manufacturers.  One of them was rising fuel costs.  When fuel costs rise, not as many people purchase RVs. 

If the manufacturer does not reduce its production to match the loss of sales, it can get into trouble.  We know that this is going to sound strange, but when fuel costs are high, it is the best time for you to buy an RV.  We will have more on this later.

The good news is that currently, a lot of millennial's are adopting the RVing  Lifestyle which means that a lot more RVs are being sold.  That being said, You still need to do some research on the manufacturer of the RV that you are interested in.   

You need to check on the reviews of the RVs they manufacture as well as the financial stability of the company that manufactures it The easiest way to get that information is to go to Google.com and type in "RV industry news" (leave out the quotation marks, when typing it in).  This will give you news stories about RV Manufacturers.

Good Sam Travel Assist

The information you gain from reading about the RV manufacturers will be helpful in guiding you to make an informed decision on the purchase of your RV.

You worked hard to earn the money your spending on your new RV, so just like any financial investment you make you need to do the research before spending the money.  Remember you are not just buying a vehicle, you are buying a home on wheels.

Hopefully, the above information will be helpful in steering you in the right direction.  We hope that you determined that buying a RV is the right decision for you.  One thing is for sure whether you choose a new or used RV, you will never regret becoming an RVer.  We wish you many years of Happy RVing.

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