Replacing Curtains in an RV
by Anonymous
Replacing Curtains in an RV
Where can I obtain replacement curtains for a 1989 Winnebago?
ANSWER: If you are talking about the curtains that cover the windshield on your motorhome you can purchase pre-made Windshield Curtains
or you can make your own windshield curtains if you want, so read on.
Finding the exact window curtain patterns that came with your 1989 RV is going to be darn near impossible. That being said, there are a couple of simple ways to replace RV curtains. The first way is to measure your curtains and then you would just order Regular Window Curtains
and then use Sew In RV Curtain Carriers
to modify them to work on the Curtain Rod System in your RV.
This way you will have a large selection of curtains to choose from.
Another option is to replace your existing curtains with some Day/Night Shades.

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You could also disassemble the old curtains and use the old curtain material as a pattern and purchase some
that you like and sew your own curtains. Since I am not a great “Artsy Crafty” individual, I would not be able to tell you exactly how to do this.
I hope this helps.
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