11 Key Questions to Ask Yourself Before Choosing an RV

A man thinking about what type of RV he should buy for his family, so they can start their RVing Adventures.

Here are 11 key questions to ask yourself before choosing an RV

Here are 11 key questions to ask yourself before choosing an RV.  By the way it is OK to actually talk to yourself  in this section if it helps.

11 Key Questions to Ask Yourself Before Buying an RV

Choosing the right RV for you can be challenging with many available options. This comprehensive guide will guide you through the 11 key questions to ask yourself before choosing an RV.

From budget considerations to travel party needs, we've got you covered. After reading this article, you will clearly understand what you're looking for and how to find the perfect RV for your next adventure.

1. Budget and Financial Considerations

  • What is my budget?  Knowing your budget is essential to determine what type of RV you can afford.  Some RVs can be expensive, so it's important to clearly understand how much you can spend before starting to shop.

This question is the first of the 11 key questions to ask yourself before choosing an RV, because it is especially important. So before going on this buying spree, you need to take into consideration how much you can afford to pay, whether you are planning to finance the RV or pay cash for it.

If you are planning to negotiate a good deal on an RV, you should read our article on RV Negotiating Tips, so you don't  end up spending your kid's college fund or cashing out your pension plan to purchase an RV.

Depending which type of RV you are looking at they can be awfully expensive. Some Class A Motorhomes can cost more to buy than what you paid for the house you now live in.

The Bus Conversions in the Class A category can cost well over two million dollars each.  I bet you're paying attention now!  

2. Traveling Party and Space Requirements

  • How many people will be traveling with me? Knowing how many people will be traveling with you will help you determine your needed RV size. You'll want to ensure enough space for everyone to sleep and enough seating for everyone to be comfortable.

3. Camping Preferences and Amenities

  • What types of camping will I be doing (boondocking, RV parks, etc.) Knowing what types of camping you'll be doing will help you decide which features are essential to you. For example, if you plan on boondocking, you may need an RV with a generator and solar panels. If you plan to stay in RV campgrounds or parks, you may want an RV with hookups for water, electricity, and sewage.

This is one of the most important questions of 11 key questions to ask yourself before choosing an RV, as it determines what kind of lifestyle you are used to.  You can answer this question by thinking about what you look for when staying at a hotel or motel.

If you are the type of person that looks for a hotel that has Chocolate Mints on the pillows, Origami animals made from towels on your bed and a television in the Jacuzzi equipped bathroom, you should start looking at the Class A or 5th Wheel sections of this site. 

If you are a person that is happy with a motel room that has carpet that crunches under your feet when you walk on it and a box on the nightstand that you put a quarter in to make the bed vibrate, we suggest you look at any of the RV classes, as all of them will have better amenities than the hotels and motels you choose to stay in.  

The bottom line is RV amenities vary by RV class.  If you want all the luxuries, they are available or if you like to "rough it" a little you can find classes of RVs that let you do that.

At this point you should browse through our Types of RV Page. Take your time and imagine yourself in each type of RV. RVing is about relaxation and everyone needs to take the time to relax and smell the coffee. Eventually, you will find a type of RV that works for you.  You deserve to become an RVer.

4. Frequency of Use and Cost of Ownership

  • How often will I be using the RV?  Knowing how often you plan to use the RV will help you decide how much money to spend on it.  If you plan to use it frequently, it may be worth spending more on a higher-quality RV.  Spending less money on a lower-quality RV may be more cost-effective if you plan to use it infrequently.

If you are currently eking out a meager living in this dog-eat-dog world and your family will only be able to use the RV on weekends and during the 3- or 4-weeks of vacation that your employer gives you. You may not want to purchase a new RV and have it sit in storage for ten months out of the year.  

A better fit might be to look at some options like buying a used RV in your chosen category until you are free of the bondages of work (retired).  

On the other hand, if you are now a Free-Spirit (retired) and the kids have moved out of the house (finally!) or you are planning to become a Full-Time RVer and travel the country to go where there is to go, to see what there is to see and to eat what there is to eat. This is the time to go for the gusto, the RV world is now your oyster to pluck.

5. Towing and Vehicle Compatibility

  • What is my towing capacity (if I plan on pulling a trailer)? If you plan on towing a trailer with your RV, you'll need to ensure your vehicle has the appropriate towing capacity. You'll also need to ensure the RV you choose is compatible with your vehicle's towing capacity.

6. Fuel Efficiency and Operating Costs

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  • What is the fuel mileage of the RV? Knowing the fuel mileage of the RV will help you determine how much it will cost to operate. RVs can be fuel-inefficient, so it's important to consider this when purchasing one.

7. Size and Weight Considerations

  • What size or weight is the RV? Knowing the size and weight of the RV will help you determine if it's appropriate for your vehicle to tow and if it fits in the camping spots you plan to visit.

8. Maintenance and Storage

  • Is the RV easy to maintain?  Knowing the RV's maintenance requirements will help you determine if it's a good fit for you.  Some RVs require more maintenance than others, so it's essential to consider this when purchasing one.

9. Warranty and Coverage

  • What is the warranty on the RV and what does it cover? Knowing the warranty on the RV and what it covers will help you determine if it's a good fit for you. Some RVs have better warranties than others, so it's essential to consider this when purchasing them.

10. Road Handling and Performance

  • How does the RV handle on the road? Knowing how the RV handles on the road will help you determine if it's a good fit for you. Some RVs handle better on the road than others, so it's important to consider this when deciding to buy an RV.
  • How does the RV handle adverse weather conditions? Knowing how the RV handles adverse weather conditions, such as heavy rain, high wind, or snow, will help you determine if it's a good fit for you. Some RVs may not handle well in certain weather conditions, so it's essential to consider this when making your purchase

11. Resale Value

  • What is the resale value of the RV? Knowing the resale value of the RV will help you determine if it's a good fit for you. Some RVs have a higher resale value than others, so it's essential to consider this when purchasing one. This will also give you an idea of how much you can expect to get if you decide to sell your RV in the future.
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Finally, if you are planning to spend a lot of time RVing, now is the time to buy a small dog to go everywhere with you.  You are not an official RVer unless you have a small dog.

Questions to Ask Yourself Before Choosing an RVRVing is not the same unless you have a little doggy RVer with you

What Kind of Amenities Are You Looking for in an RV?

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In conclusion, buying an RV can be daunting, but by asking yourself 11 key questions to ask yourself before choosing an RV, you can narrow down your options and find the best RV for your needs.  From budget considerations to adverse weather handling and resale value, it's important to consider all the factors that will affect your experience.  Remember to take your time researching and consider your lifestyle, preferences and budget.  With the right RV, you'll enjoy all the comforts of home while exploring the great outdoors.  Happy RVing!

Now that you have completed the 11 key questions to ask yourself before choosing an RV, you can make your decision on which RV type fits you, depends on your personal lifestyle. 

If you are interested in finding out how difficult choosing an RV might be for you, please feel  free to take the exclusive Everything-About-RVing.com Buffet Personality Profile Evaluation.  This is an entertaining way to determine whether you are up to making any decisions at all.


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