Our RV Trip From New York
by Marilyn and Tim
(Kissimmee, FL)
(This story was submitted on our Why Do You Love RVing Page)
Hello Everybody,
Well, we are finally out of New York, and not a day too soon. I did OK for the first week, then Tim had 3 days off and that was great, then the second week started and by Thurs. I thought I was going to lose my mind, by Fri., I was sure of it.
For somebody like me that has hardly ever been without a car since I was 16, being out in the middle of the Catskill Mountains, no car, no one to talk to, and getting Tim's company only about 2 hours an evening, I would be saying it very mild if I said I was more than a little nuts. One good thing though, I think I totally understand DOG talk now, me and the pups have had some great conversations. Would you believe of all the places for Tim to interpret, his job was at the Academy of Pet Grooming, and he learned all kinds of stuff.
We stopped and stayed the night at our friend Joe's house, got up early and intended leaving right away, but, overnight Murphy's Law had kicked in, the left slide would not come in AT ALL, not a sound. Tim and Joe got under the RV and with huge wrenches, they tried to bring it in by hand, but that only worked for a while before they would be stuck. Tim had already tried switching out the motherboards but that didn't work, tried replacing the fuses, that didn't work either. Finally, after trying to do it by hand, he went back and switched the boards again and woooohoooo, all of a sudden it starts coming in, we have no idea why, but who cares.
About mid-afternoon we realize we are not going to be able to make it to the next resort before the office closes, it's going to be pitch black outside, AND we would have to unhook the car, so we decide to forget it, we'll just drive until we can find something else. The something else never did happen and all of a sudden I see this large shopping center, now staying overnight in a parking lot is definitely not my first choice, but as usual, we just go with the flow. So we had a wonderful night in a great RESORT called Food Lion Super Market
Anyway, that's done and we arrived on Mon. at Camp Hatteras in Waves, NC, the wonderful, glorious Outer Banks, that's a whole string of islands off the coast of NC. We will be here a whole week
and plan on doing a whole bunch of nothing, or at least nothing we don't want to do.
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Even though we were here on our way up the coast and stayed here 3 days, we really didn't have the time to investigate the area as only Tim and I can. We love running down dirt roads and finding all the out of the way places. The last time we were here we caught the ferry at Cedar Island over to Ocracoke Island then just drove straight to the next ferry to get on Hatteras Island, so we didn't actually get to see anything on Ocracoke Island and decided we would make a day trip out of it. We took the pups with us, caught the free ferry and began our normal hunt for anything unusual.
We had a great time, of course, went to see the Lighthouse, by now you know we just love lighthouses. After stopping at the Visitor's Center we decided we just had to go drive down Howard St., it's still a very narrow dirt road and the houses on it are still the way people lived a hundred years ago. We also found the house where the infamous Blackbeard pirate spent time, just in case you're ever on Jeopardy, Blackbeard's real name was Edward Teach.
Over 500 hundred years ago, hundreds of wild mustangs roamed all these islands, having made it to shore from many shipwrecks. This area didn't even have electricity until 1968; no telephone service until 1974 and the first paved road didn't happen until 1984. The horses were allowed to roam free, actually walking through the automatic doors at grocery stores. After the area began developing, you know with paved roads and all, 17 horses were hit and killed in just 4 years. The locals established the Corolla Wild Horse Fund in 1989 and that began the protection of these wonderful horses, the Spanish Mustang is on the Endangered Breed List.
Now don't forget to stay tuned, there's always another adventure just around the corner.
Love to you ALL,
Tim and Marilyn
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