Our RV Manufacturer Is Bankrupt And We Have Warranty Work That Needs To Be Done, What Can We Do?
by Joyce
(Yuba City CA)
Does anyone know about the bankruptcy chapter 11 filed by R Vision. We have received 2 letters stating they are filing and that they are asking for their disposition and clear any claims.
We have a R Vision that has been in the shop since 7/08 more times than it has been at home and we are trying for a buy back but how does that work if bankruptcy in pending? It is a lemon and the water leak is such that it is leaking into the electric panel next to the bed room. They tried to fix 3 times but all they did was patch it. Does anyone else know anything about them? JS
ANSWER Greetings Joyce thanks for submitting your question on our Ask An RV Question Page.
I am afraid that I am the bearer of bad news. On March 5th 2009 Monaco Coach Company which includes its subsidiary R-Vision, Incorporated filed for Voluntary Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. So what does that mean for you and your Trailer's warranty issues and possible buy back of your RV under a Lemon Law? It means you are going to have to contact an attorney and get some advice on the rights you may have with R-Vision being in Chapter 11.
The warranty on your trailer may be null and void at this point, which means that any future repairs on your trailer that normally would have been covered under warranty may now be at your expense. This bankruptcy could also affect any buy back that might have been negotiated
under a Lemon Law. Only an attorney can tell you for sure.
If it turns out that you no longer have warranty coverage; your only alternative will be to take your trailer to an RV repair shop of your choice and pay to have the repairs completed. An attorney can also tell you if you have the right to file a claim with the bankruptcy court to get reimbursed for the repair cost. Even if you do file a claim with a bankruptcy court, you should not get your hopes up that you will be reimbursed. Your small claim will be mingled in with the other claims of major suppliers that are trying to be paid for several hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of supplies and services provided to the now bankrupt R-Vision Incorporated.
The bottom line is in order to prevent further damage to your Trailer you need to get the leak repaired.
For future major RV repairs you may want to consider purchasing an Extended Service Plan for your trailer. Extended Service Plans cover the cost of certain major RV repairs. My personal recommendation is the Good Sam Extended Service Plan. The Good Sam Extended Service Plan is a mechanical breakdown plan for your RV, 5th Wheel, Trailer, and Tow Vehicle!
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I wish you the best of luck.
RVing Al