Only Half Of The Interior Lights In My Class C Minnie Winnie Motorhome Work
by Jamie
(Jackson, TN)
I have a 1989 Class C Minnie Winnie.
All of the interior lights from the bathroom forward will not work. The bedroom lights work fine. Checked/replaced fuses with no luck.
Any suggestions?
ANSWER: Greetings Jamie thanks for submitting your question on our Ask An RV Question Page.
It still sounds like a blown fuse or possibly a bad ground on that 12 volt circuit. Even though you have checked all of the fuses, you may have missed one. Just like in your house the 12 volt circuits in your RV have their own separate fuses. So the fuse for the 12 volt circuit that powers the front of your RV could be blown.
The best way to check for a bad fuse is not always to visibly inspect them. Sometimes a bad fuse may look good to the naked eye. The best way to check is using a 12 Volt Circuit Test Light
You should test each fuse separately. Leave all the fuses plugged in and attach the alligator end of the 12 Volt Circuit Test Light
to a good ground. Now go to each fuse and use the pointed end of the 12 Volt Circuit Test Light
and touch each side of the fuse separately. If the test light lights up on both sides of the fuse, then the fuse is good and working properly. If the test light only lights up on one side of the fuse then
it is bad and needs to be replaced.
When you are checking the fuses also check for any corrosion around the connections where the fuses are. A corroded fuse connection can cause intermittent problems to that circuit. When you replace a bad fuse make sure that you replace it with the proper amp fuse; failure to do so can damage your 12 volt electrical system.
Also while you are in the electrical compartment checking the fuses look for any loose or frayed wiring. Wires in the electrical compartment can sometimes become loose from constant road vibration etc. If you see any frayed or damaged wire; repair it.
You might want to check your motorhome's house batteries for any loose or corroded wiring and replace and repair as needed.
If all the above fails to resolve your problem then you will need to take your motorhome to a Qualified RV Technician and have them take a look at it.
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Happy RVing
RVing Al
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