My RV's Queen Bed Won't Lower
by Anonymous
I just bought a 2006 Sunnybrook Solanta 3310ltd model. I raised the queen bed to see the storage space underneath and now I cannot get the bed to go down. Is there a button or something I have to push to release the hydraulic pressure on the arms that hold it open? I'm baffled! Any similar situations? Please help!
ANSWER: Hi thanks for submitting your question on our Ask An RV Question Page.
First off let me congratulate you on your newly acquired RV.
As far as your bed is concerned; there is no magic button to lower it. The
Gas Springs
(pictured at the top of this page) that assist you in lifting the bed and holding it up once it is open can be very hard to close. Depending on how heavy your mattress is you may have to exert a lot of your body weight on the bed to get it down.
On rare occasions one or both of the two gas springs on your bed can over extend and will not close regardless of what you do. If this happens the
Gas Springs
on your bed will have to be replaced.
OK just so I don't get a lot of comments from our visitors about calling these by the name of Gas Springs, these lift assist devices go by many names: Gas Spring, Gas Prop, Gas Strut and last but definitely not least Gas Shock.
I hope this helps
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Happy RVing
RVing Al
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