My RV's Fresh Water Pump is Not Pumping Water
by Gary Winters
(West Bloomfield, Michigan)
My RV's Fresh Water Pump is Not Pumping Water
When turning on the pump a little water spurts out with air. No solid stream of water comes out. Steps that I have taken to no avail to solve this problem:
City connection works properly.
I have no in-line filter to clog.
I primed the water pump using 2 gallons of water. extracted all water out of the pail like it should.
Re-connected water hose from water tank to water pump -- problem still exists.
Used wet/dry vacuum (blow side)and successfully blew water from water tank to water pump -- problem still exist.
Removed water pump hose and blew air(compressor) into water tank to clear any debris in water tank -- Problem still exist.
Replaced old water pump with new water pump
--- Problem still exist.
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ANSWER: Hi Gary, OK my first question is; are you absolutely 100% positive that you have enough water in your fresh water tank? This is the most common cause of the problem you are experiencing. Do not rely on the fresh water level gauge in your RV to give you accurate readings; these tank gauges are the first things to go wonky in an RV. Add more water to your fresh water tank and try using your pump
If you still do not get water pumping, the next step you need to take is to visibly inspect the water line running from the fresh water tank to your water pump. You are looking for any loose connections, holes or cracks. Even a small hole in a water line will suck enough air into the water line to not allow the water pump to establish proper suction. If you have any doubts replace the water line.
If still no luck you might want to look at the valves that control city water and tank fill and see if their are any additional valves labeled "water pump bypass". There could also be a valve possibly labeled as "winterization" that you can use to allow the water pump to suck
RV Water Line Antifreeze
into your RVs water system from an external garden hose type connection on the outside of your RV. If either of these valves are activated your RV's water pump will not pull water from the fresh water tank.
I hope this helps.
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Happy RVing
RVing Al
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