My RV's Dashboard Heater Is Not Blowing Hot Air
by Howard Nelson
(Thousand Oaks, Calif.)
I have a 2004 Discovery on a Freightliner chassis. It has a 330 Cat diesel engine. The dashboard heater will blow a very, very little bit of warm (not hot) air, but not enough to keep you warm on a cold day.
I have had it to Freightliner and other RV repair shops with no luck at all. Could it be a heater control valve? If so, where would it be located and how big of a job would it be to replace? This has gone on now for over 2 years and I can't find any help anywhere.
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Any assistance through you or any readers that may have had a similar problem would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You.
ANSWER: Hi Howard the first thing we need to establish is that this is a common complaint among owners of larger Motorhomes and that in most cases the dash heater on any motorized RV will not provide enough heat to heat up the whole RV on a cold day. The same thing holds true for the dash air conditioner on hot days. The bigger the RV the bigger the problem of not heating or cooling the whole RV with a dash heater or AC.
That being said, I still think you have a problem since you are only getting slightly warm air through the dash heater. The problem could be a bad Heater Control Valve (sorry but I do not know the exact location of the valve on your RV).
The problem could also be caused by a malfunctioning heater blend door that is not sealing properly, a blocked or partially blocked heater core, a partially blocked hose leading to or from the heater core, or even low engine coolant level.
Again, without being able to physically look at all of the components I mentioned above, I cannot tell you for sure what is causing the problems. One thing you can do is look at the documentation you got from the repair shops that you have taken your RV to; to see if they also looked at everything I mentioned.
Hope this helps.
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