Dogs Love Camping

If you love camping, there is a very good chance that your dogs love camping too

If you love camping, there is a very good chance that your dogs love camping too

By Kelly Marshall

Do you love the sights and scents of the great outdoors? Do you enjoy digging your toes into the sand, the smells that wisp through the breezes and taking a quick dip in the pond? Does it make your heartbeat faster just being free from the house with its walls and windows? Does your family love to travel in an RV and go camping? If you and your family do love camping trips, then you have something in common with most dogs, since most dogs love to go camping. If you have a family dog, you should consider taking your dog along on your family camping trips.

However, before loading up the spouse, kids, all the camping supplies and the family dog into the RV, and then taking off into the wild blue yonder, you need to consider some very important issues. While planning your camping trip with your dog, you need to be sure that the dog knows and obeys your commands.

Obedience training is essential when you want to take your dog a long way from your home to go camping. The only dog that you should ever take camping with you, is one that will immediately stop what it is doing and come straight too you.

Your dog will also need all its vaccinations, since you will be taking your dog out into the wilderness where other wild animals live and roam. Dogs are curious and unless you plan to crate or tie your dog, it will be difficult to keep your eyes on it at all times. Besides, if you are going to crate or tie a dog outside, you may have well left him or her off the invitation for an outdoor camping trip.

Can you imagine going camping, and then having to sit in a crate or to be bound by a chain to watch, while everyone else is having fun being free to roam? If you must do these things, do them moderately, while remembering that your dog will become bored and then disruptive by barking or whining.

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If you love camping, there is a very good chance that your dogs love camping too

While you and your dog are camping, make sure that you bring along enough food and water for the dog.  Additionally, plan pit stops along the way for both the dog and the kids. You also need to be watchful over any type of roots, bulbs, seeds, leaves or plants that your dog may consume. Some plants and their parts can pose a health risk to your dog; some of them can even be fatal. You can research to find plants that are poisonous to dogs, and then better avoid your dog consuming any such plant life.

In addition, you should keep an eye on your dog to make sure that it does not get overheated and then get heatstroke. Finding a shady area for camping is always a good idea for dogs and humans.

Your dog may or may not like to go swimming. If your dog does go swimming make sure there is nothing for it to become entangled in, while swimming. If your dog does not want to get into the water, do not force your dog or throw your dog into the water. This will only give your dog a reason not to trust you. Most dogs love to go camping; therefore, make sure your dog obeys you, is up to date with vaccinations, and has plenty of food and water.

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