Interior Lights Out In My Travel Trailer!
by Kent
I have a 2003 Forest River Surveyor, When I plugged it in, I have power- except to the lights that run down the middle of the trailer. I checked the fuses, breakers, GFCI plugs, and all seem to be in working order. help!
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ANSWER: Hi Kent what you don't tell me is if these lights work when the RV is not plugged into electric. If they do then the problem may be with your
power converter which takes over the job from the house batteries of providing power to your 12 volt systems when the trailer is plugged into 120 Volt power.
When plugged in you need to also check to see if your other 12 volt powered items such as ceiling vent fans, furnace fans operate when the RV is plugged in. If the other 12 volt items are working then we know that problem may be in the lighting circuit itself.
If everything I mentioned above is OK and from what you have told me you have already checked a lot of the things that I would check if I was having this same problem in my RV.
I am going to take a shot in the dark on this one. Some RVs have
light switches on the interior walls just like a light switch in your house that control the interior ceiling lights. The switch in your RV may be off.
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The most common place to find this switch is inside the Travel Trailer near the door. In most cases, this switch is located next to the switch that turns on your porch light.
You might want to look at the light units themselves and see if any of them have switches built into the lights.
There could be other problems that are causing the symptoms that you are experiencing, but I cannot physically be there to check the wiring for shorts, bad connections, etc.
Ultimately you may end up having to take your RV in and have a Certified RV Technician diagnose and repair the problem.
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Hope this helps.
Happy RVing
RVing Al
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