I Need A List Of RV Campgrounds In The USA
by Ross
(Perth WA Australia)
I am planning a trip to the US and intend renting or buying a RV van for approximately six months. To set a budget I would like to know approximately how much per night I would expect to pay for a B class mobile home.
Is there a site which lists all RV camp sites in the US.
ANSWER Greetings Ross thanks for submitting your question on our free Ask An RV Question Page.
Since you will be traveling for 6 months in the US, I would suggest that you join one of the many Discount Camping Clubs we have here. The Discount Camping Clubs can save you quite a bit of money when traveling. Depending on the club you join, you will receive some excellent discounts on campgrounds.
Membership to join these organizations is very inexpensive. In fact, in most cases you will recoup the cost of the membership within the first week of camping at the discount prices.
Below is a list of the Camping Clubs that offer discounts for campgrounds in the US. Just click on the links to get more information on the campgrounds that are part of their programs.

CampClub USA: Save 50% off campsites at more than 1000 top rated RV Parks and campgrounds. When you join you get a free Campground Directory. The Annual Directory includes detailed information on each campground such as amenities, turn by turn directions, GPS coordinates, contact information and more.
Save 50% on Campground Rates with Camp Club USAGood Sam Club: The Good Sam Club currently has over 1,000,000 RVers who already enjoy the many wonderful benefits that come with membership in the Good Sam Club. The Good Sam Club is a must have for any RV owner! The Good Sam Club offers a 10% camping discount to its members at 1,700+
Good Sam affiliated RV Parks and Campgrounds in the U.S. and Canada.
Click Here for discounts at more than 1,700 RV campgrounds and parks! Join the Good Sam Club.

They also have lot's of other benefits such as Free Subscription to Highways Magazine and Free RV Trip Routing.
Recreation USA Club: The Recreation USA Club allows their members to camp at numerous quality RV Resorts, RV Parks, and Campgrounds for
only $10.00 per night. For further information on the locations of the campgrounds and how to join, visit
The Recreation USA Club website.
The Happy Camper Club The Happy Camper club offers
50% off at RV Parks to their members. As a member, you can stay at over 1,200 quality RV parks on a full hook-up site for half price; and unlike other memberships, it requires no contracts, no home parks, and no point systems. At just $49.95 per year - Happy Camper pays for itself on your first vacation. Here is their
Campground Locations ListI think that you will find that one of these clubs should work for you during your visit to the states. You will end up saving a lot of money on camping expenses. This will give you more money to spend on souvenirs, etc.
If any of our visitors would like to add their own suggestions, they can do so by clicking on the Click Here To Post Comments Link at the bottom of this page.
I hope that you will enjoy your stay here in the US and Happy RVing.
RVing Al
RVing Al personally uses and highly recommends RV Emergency Road Service from the Good Sam Club
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