I Bought A New Light Switch For My RV How Do I Wire It?
by Ray
I have a light switch that burnt I pulled it out and it has 6 wires going to it and i do not know how they go back in that one switch 97 Aljo.
ANSWER: Greetings Ray thanks for submitting your question on our Ask An RV Question Page.
I am afraid that without being able to see the new switch and the existing wiring on your RV it will be hard for me to walk you through hooking up the wiring on to the new light switch you bought.
My only suggestion is if you have a friend that has some electrical wiring experience, you may want to get them to help you get the new switch installed.
I will give you a tip for future reference if you ever have to do this kind of wiring work again and you have a Digital Camera
handy, you may want to take a picture of the wiring prior to disconnecting the old electrical, switch, outlet, etc. This way you can refer to the pictures you took to rewire the new switch properly. Just a thought.
Since you sound like a do it yourselfer RVer there are also some reasonably priced books available about RV Maintenance and Repair that you might want to look at. It probably would not hurt to carry one of these books in your RV in case something like this happens again.
RV Repair and Maintenance Manual: Updated and Expanded
: RV Repair and Maintenance Manual is the most popular resource for owners who prefer to work on their own RVs. The book features step-by-step procedures for maintaining and repairing RVs, presented in easy-to-understand layman's terms and simple-to-follow instructions. The fourth edition has been updated and expanded to keep up with the latest in RV technology and repair procedures. From trouble-shooting guidelines to quick diagnoses and repairs, this manual will keep you rolling down the highway and not in the repair shop.
It is packed with valuable information, checklists, photos, and charts, the RV Repair and Maintenance Manual includes topics on electrical systems, LP-gas systems, water systems, sanitation systems, AC generators, heating systems,
air-conditioning systems, refrigerators, trailer brakes, trailer suspensions, dinghy towing, hitches, drivetrain systems, solar power systems, ovens and ranges, microwaves and ice makers, exterior and interior care, and accessories.
RV Electrical Systems: A Basic Guide to Troubleshooting, Repairing and Improvement
: For RVers who remain mystified by their RV's electrical systems--120-volt alternating current (AC) and 12-volt direct current (DC)--this book is a godsend. It provides a better understanding of what electricity is and what it does. It provides the following information in an easy to read format:
*How to safely use a campground hookup.
*How to increase battery charging efficiency.
*How to take the pulse of your AC and DC electrical systems.
*How to recognize and correct dangerous wiring practices.
*How to troubleshoot electrical problems of all types.
*How to upgrade your RV from fuses to circuit breakers.
#How to calculate your electrical needs and upgrade your system to meet them.
*How to select the most effective components--batteries, alternator, regulator, coverter, charger, generator, solar panels.
*How to recognize phantom electrical loads that can drain your batteries.
The RV Handbook: Essential How-to Guide for the RV Owner, 3rd Edition
: This new edition of The RV Handbook is for all types of RV enthusiasts - from a first-time buyer or renter to the most seasoned RV traveler. Packed with valuable information, checklists, photos, and charts, the guide tells you how to: buy an RV; avoid the single most common mistake novice RVers make; select a towing vehicle; avoid RV repair scams; benefit from technical trends in RV manufacturing; correct the bad towing habit that plagues even experienced RVers; and prevent explosive propane situations. With hundreds of proven RV tips, tricks, and techniques, this expanded handbook tells how to buy, maintain, and optimize RVs, saving both money and time.
One the first two books listed above might have been helpful with your current situation. Sorry that I am unable to walk you through the wiring process.
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Happy RVing
RVing Al