I Am Confused About the Water Connections on My Motorhome
by Anonymous
I inherited a 1986 Winnebago (Chevy). I'm slowly learning about it. My question is: apparently there are two hookups for putting in freshwater, one on each side of my RV. I don't understand why.
I filled one of them that has an external hose connector. I was told to turn on the taps but need not turn on the pump to drain it. No water comes out.
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I was told that the other freshwater spout uses the pump.
I want to flush both out (same tank)?
Please, any input would be much appreciated.
ANSWER: based on your description I am going to assume that one of the water connections is only for filling up the Fresh Water holding tank on your RV. The other connection is the city water connection for using the water from the RV Park to run your faucets etc. This is the way a lot of older Motorhomes were set up. I cannot tell you which connection is which.
The best way to find out which is which to hook up an
RV Drinking Water Hose
to one of the connections and with the water pump off see if you have water going to your taps. If you do then you will know that is the one you should hook up to when you are at an RV park. When you are not hooked up to water you would use the water pump to pull the water out of your fresh water tank.
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The other connection is used solely to fill up your fresh water tank when it gets low. Now as far as how to drain the fresh water tank you should read the answer I gave to
Where is the fresh water holding tank drain on my RV?.
I hope this helps.
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Happy RVing
RVing Al