I Accidentally Flushed A Dead Mouse Down My RV's Toilet, Now How Do I Get It Out?
by Anonymous
I Accidentally Flushed A Dead Mouse Down My RV's Toilet, Now How Do I Get It Out?
How do you remove a dead mouse inside the black water tank? It was accidentally flushed.
ANSWER: I have to admit that this is one of the most unique RVing questions that I have ever received. In fact, at first, I thought this was a prank question and I was going to delete it until I noticed that you included a valid e-mail address in the question submission form.
So here goes, I have to assume that you are talking about your garden variety small house mouse and not a broken (dead) computer mouse or a large rat. Please follow the steps I have outlined below.
1. If it is a small house mouse, you should be able to get it out of the Black Water Tank by simply filling up the Black Water holding tank to about the 3/4 full level with water and simply dumping your black water tank like you normally do and your deceased little furry friend will take a nice quick waterslide ride out of the tank down the sewer hose and into the sewer system.
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If the rodent is too big to take a ride on the Black Water Waterslide Thrill Ride or if the procedure above does not work then you need to determine if your RV's toilet dumps the waste straight through to the Black Water Tank.
First turn the water off to the RV. Now press the flush button or lever on the toilet and when the slide on the toilet opens use a
to see if you can see into the black water tank. If you can see the bottom of the tank then move on to step 2 if not move on to step 3.
2. What you are going to need is a 2" or 3" wide
Aquarium Net
, some
Duct Tape
and a short broom or dust pan handle. Securely Duct Tape the Aquarium Net to the end of the Broom Handle and have someone hold the toilet slide open and using a
see if you can retrieve the deceased rodent with the net.
3. If none of the above works you may have to take your RV in and have some of the plumbing disassembled to get the mouse out.
I really hope this helps.
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Happy RVing!
RVing Al