How Does Full Time RVing Affect Social Security Disability Payments?
by Angela & Tommy Brister
My husband and I have made the decision to become full time RVers. We are both drawing social security disability. Our concern is that any changes may affect our incomes.
We are scared to change residency from our current state to another state, and that we may lose income due to any changes. Can you provide any information on this?
Thank you,
Angela & Tommy Brister
ANSWER Hi Angela & Tommy I know a lot of things about RVing. I also know when to admit that I am not an expert on something. I am not an expert on finances. But, do not despair, I have received a similar question recently and I was able to provide some links to most of the information these new full-time RVers were looking for. So please read the answer I gave to the question below.
We Are New Fulltime RVers, What Do We Need To Know About Residency?
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