How Do I Unfreeze My RV's Grey Water Tank?
by Garry
How To Unfreeze Your RV's Holding Tanks
Help our gray water tank has frozen; what can I do?
ANSWER: Hi Garry, you do not tell me how full your Grey Water Tank is. If your Grey Water Holding Tank is completely full, Option 1 may not work, but still, give it a shot, then skip to option 2.
Option 1 Partially Filled Grey or Black Water Holding Tank
You will need at least 3 gallons of RV Holding Tank Antifreeze. Start by pouring a 1/2 gallon of antifreeze down the bathroom sink drain, the shower drain, and the kitchen sink drain. Once you have done that you need to pour about 1/2 gallon of boiling water down each of the three drains mentioned above. Then again pour another 1/2 gallon of RV Holding Tank Antifreeze down each of the drains.
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If you have a motorhome, you may want to drive it around for at least 30 minutes to circulate the antifreeze inside the holding tank. If you have a trailer, or if it is not possible to drive the motorhome, let the antifreeze sit in the holding tank for at least two hours before attempting to dump the tank.
Special Note If Holding Tank Dump Valve is frozen You can use a Hair Dryer on high setting to melt ice and free up the dump valve. Once the tank has been dumped, you need to
Winterize Your RV.
Option 2 for a completely full holding tankYou need to get as much
RV Holding Tank Antifreezeinto the holding tank as you can. You will know that the tank is completely full when the antifreeze starts backing up into your shower. You also need to get as much heat as you can into the frozen holding tank.
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Some RVs have furnace vents that run into the holding tank compartments; if your RV has one of these setups, you may need to crank up the furnace to a higher-than-normal temperature and melt some of the ice and allow the antifreeze to start working.
If you have a heat lamp available to you and can "safely" place it near the grey water holding tank, it may provide enough heat to get the tank warm enough for the antifreeze to start doing its job and get things flowing again.
There are also
Holding Tank Heater Pad available that can attach to your holding tanks to warm them up and keep them from freezing.
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