How Do I Get Rid Of The Mouse Urine Smell In My RV?
by Wally
(Winters, Ca)
How do we get rid of mice pee smell in our RV's heater ducting?
ANSWER: Greetings Wally thanks for submitting your question on our Ask An RV Question Page.
Sorry to hear that you are going through this, let's see what we can do to get rid of the mouse urine smells and then we will address some other issues you might be having as a result of having Mice invading your RV.
There are a line of products made by GreenFlash Technologies called OdorOut-222 Premier Natural and Safe Organic Odor and Organic Stain Removers
. OdorOut-222 is a completely Non-Toxic and Environmentally safe organic based stain and odor remover. It is safe for use around people, pets, marine life and plants. It may be used on pet beds, litter boxes, carpets, car and truck interiors and more... This formula does NOT contain alcohol, heavy perfumes or any toxic chemicals. OdorOut-222 is NOT an air freshener that simply masks or covers up the odor; it eliminates it! The non-pathogenic bacteria formula penetrates the odor molecule and consumes it. This completely eliminates the source of all organic based odors and stains including pet odors, feces, blood, urine, vomit, mold, mildew, smoke, fish and ANY organic-based odors and stains.
I would suggest that you lightly spray OdorOut-222 into your affected heater vents and let it sit for 24 hours and see if the smell dissipates, you may have
to spray the vents a couple of times to completely eliminate the odor.
There is also a good possibility that these little rascals could have gotten inside your RV and peed in other areas. An easy way to find additional areas in your RV where these mice may have gone to the restroom is by using a
Black Light Urine Detector
. To use the urine detector darken the RV and just like on CSI start searching your RV for mouse bodily fluid. If you find stains on your RV Carpet or upholstery you can use the OdorOut-222 to neutralize and remove those stains. If you find traces of urine on linoleum, tile, etc. just use the cleaning products that you normally use on those surfaces.
Once you have gotten this all cleaned up, you will want to take steps to prevent these unwanted visitors from invading your RV again. Please read the answer I gave to the question below on what steps you can take to get rid of and keep these rodents from returning to your RV.
How Do I Get Rid Of The Mice In My RV?I hope that this information has been helpful to you.
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Happy RVing
RVing Al