How Do I Adjust The Slide Out On My RV?

by Bob
(Klamath, CA, USA)

I own a 2000, 26Ft, Fleetwood, Wilderness Trailer.

Question: How do I adjust the slide out, it is the 18 inch style. It will not close completely causing leakage. NOT GOOD the unit seems to be loose.

How can I adjust it ??????


ANSWER: Greetings Bob thanks for submitting your question on our Ask An RV Question Page.

I am afraid that you are not going to like the answer I am about to give you. I do not recommend that any do-it-yourselfer RVer start messing with the adjustments on their slide-outs. Depending on the type of slide-out you have there could be up to 6 points that have to be adjusted in a specific order or it could cause severe damage to your slide-out.

The fact that your slide-out seems to be loose, could mean that there are other problems with the slide-out mechanism on your trailer and adjusting it may not fix the underlying problem.

My suggestion to you is that you take your trailer in and have a Certified RV Technician diagnose, repair or properly adjust the slide-out. If you do it yourself and cause damage to the slide-out, you could be stuck with a repair bill of several thousand dollars.

I know that there are probably RVers out there that have done these adjustments on their own and they are free to leave a comment on this page explaining what they did, but again, I do not recommend that you attempt these adjustments yourself.

In my opinion there are certain times when RV repairs need to be deferred to the experts and adjusting or repairing a slide-out is one of those times.

Do you have any suggestions or comments on this topic? You can add them to this page by clicking on the "Click Here To Post Comments" link located near the bottom of this page.

Happy RVing

RVing Al

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If I could just find an expert
by: Anonymous

Who the heck are experts? Don't go to camping world. My daughter took her trailer in to have the slides adjusted and now none of the work properly. She should have left it alone. I don't have much faith in "experts" ( x is a has been and a spurt is a drip under pressure.)

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